Angela Zaher

I am a freelance writer and my features have appeared in magazines such as Delicious, The Evening Standard, Good Housekeeping, Platinum and Business Insider. I write in a personal essay style about our emotional connection to food, how it bridges gaps between cultures, promotes diversity and inclusion and brings you closer to the people you love. I'm also a columnist and regular restaurant reviewer for Time & Leisure. As well as writing, I organise foodie events for the Guild and others as well as host cookery demos at festivals. I write food fiction as well and my short stories have been published in literary magazine The Other Side of Hope. I was born in Beirut, Lebanon but have spent most of my life in the UK. I cook Lebanese food to keep me connected to my roots and pass on my cultural heritage to my children.


Author, Consultant, Feature writer, Food and travel writer, Recipe writer, Restaurant reviewer

Special subjects

Lebanese/Palestinian food.
Simple and easy cooking.

Regular work

Restaurant Reviews for Time & Leisure and
Columnist for Time & Leisure

Advisory boards / Awards

Great Taste Judge

Languages spoken

Arabic, French, English. Some Spanish.

Commercial interest

Consultancy on events
Hosting cooking demos/ interviews
Commissions for magazines

Angela Zaher


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