Laura Wyness

I am currently self-employed running my consultancy business in Nutrition Research & Communications. I have written for peer reviewed journals including the British Journal of Community Nutrition and Public Health Nutrition. I was editor of the British Nutrition Foundation Task Force report on Nutrition and Development and prepared several consumer resources to help communicate the complex scientific evidence in to clear health messages. I also wrote a chapter on red meat in the diet for a book on nutrition and climate change and contributed to a chapter on environmental factors associated with obesity for a WHO publication on the Challenges of obesity in Europe. I have written for Food Spark magazine, health professional publications, contributed to articles in the media and have fact-check scripts for science programmes on TV. I also regularly write blog articles for my own website and some food company websites.

Special subjects

Nutrition & Menopause Scottish Food Food Innovation

Languages spoken


Regular work

Conducting literature reviews for food companies and writing nutrition content for company websites and Apps. Workplace nutrition talks and individual nutrition advice via online consultations, particularly focussed on Eating Well for Menopause

Advisory boards / Awards

Scottish Food Tourism Ambassador for Edinburgh Region Association for Nutrition (AfN) Scotland Representative Nutrition Society Scottish Committee Member Winner of the Caroline Walker Trust Award 'Freelance Nutritionist of the Year' 2019

Commercial interests


Laura Wyness
