Bridget Jones

Over 30 years, I have focused on the spectrum of home-cooking opportunities in the context of everyday practicality, variety and inspiration. Discovering how to use ingredients, from the economical to relatively expensive and exotic. Sharing the fun of exploring cooking styles and explaining how and when to use them has always excited me.
I have written across a broad range of topics with the emphasis on balancing everyday needs in an overall approach to great eating. My interest is in creating recipes that work for the many and varied situations we face through our different individual and family phases.
I developed a long-standing interest in the true value of a positive relationship with food and eating for long-term health and wellbeing. Having managed to find a personal balance through exercise, I trained and worked as a qualified fitness instructor and personal trainer for a couple of days a week alongside my food writing. I spent 5 years helping people explore individual perspectives and finding ways to optimise health and fitness; to get over the stress of long-standing diet anxieties; to enjoy food; and find personal strength and confidence to cope with weight and wellness challenges.
I studied psychology, progressed to research for a PhD, and worked for chartership as a Health Psychologist and registered practitioner in the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC). My interest is in providing information and support to enable people to optimise health. Everyone deserves holistic support for achieving wellbeing from professionals who understand the emotional responses to individual challenges and offer long-term realistic guidance.


Author, Other, Recipe writer

Special subjects

Health Psychology; Balanced Eating; Health and Wellbeing; and Chronic Conditions, including diabetes. Originally grounded in cooking, nutrition and food styling as a graduate home economist, I have written over 100 books. Food/editorial consultant with broad experience: Mrs Beeton books; Larousse Gastronomique; Encarta World English Dictionary; series titles; and individual books.

Regular work

Research Fellow, University of Surrey

Commercial interest



  • Email Bridget
  • 01483 684611
  • Surrey Health Economics Centre, Dept of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, School of Health and Medical Science, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH

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