Rebecca Bishop

I founded a bakery cafe in Southwold, Suffolk, 10 years ago ( The bakery specialises in long fermented bread, delicious cakes and a seasonal menu. I am a self taught baker and chef. In recent years my focus has been on recipe development and teaching baking classes. I published my first book "Two Magpies Bakery" in April 2023.


Author, Cookery demonstrator, Cookery teacher, Recipe writer, Teacher/lecturer on food related matters

Special subjects

Bakery and sourdough bread.
Teaching my craft.
Growing a business from a single site to 8 sites.

Regular work

I teach 6-8 full day baking classes a month at Two Magpies Bakery. I am currently exploring setting up my own bakery school under the name 'The Next Loaf' and also offering online classes. I currently teach at Two Magpies Bakery. My agent is Heather Holden Brown of HHB agency.

The book name is Two Magpies Bakery - stories and recipes from East Anglia'. it is published by Headline Home on 27th April 2023. The photographer is India Hobson.

Advisory boards / Awards

Real Bread awards winner

Languages spoken


Commercial interest

Baking classes


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