Personal Statement: I have over 30 years experience working on magazines, TV, radio, publishing and for food companies. This has resulted in over 100 books on an ever more diverse range of popular food subjects. Regular freelance work for magazines, supermarkets, equipment manufacturers and newspapers keeps me constantly fresh and inquisitive and broadens my knowledge of food in all its guises.
Websites: http://www.bariatriccookery.comĀ
A website designed to support those who are considering or who have had bariatric (weight-loss) surgery with their new eating regime.
Member's Blogsite: http://Regular blog on
The blog, updated regularly, has seasonal recipes, foodie news, events of interest, the latest findings and research on obesity and surgery, discussions on coping mechanisms and anything food, fat or fabulously-related.
A lifestyle website and blog aimed at the modern grandparent - putting fun, food and frivolity at the heart of grand parenting. Features on food, education, health, crafts, beauty, fashion and topical discussions in the news.
Both websites are linked to social media Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Bariatric Cookery also sends out a free e-newsletter about 8 times per year to over 12,000 subscribers