The Food Briefing: June 2021
03 June 2021
Germans eat 72% more meat than they believe they do, according to a survey reported in The Vegconomist. Those asked during the survey reported eating an average of 644 grams of meat or sausage a week, which is close the recommended guidelines. However, when these figures were compared to the meat balance from the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), it found people were eating 72% more, an average of 1,120 grams per person, per week. Read more.
Urban food environments are one of the biggest influences on the food we buy and eat. There’s growing evidence that the urban surroundings which we experience on a daily basis can have a large impact on our health and are also linked to rising obesity rates. These complex environemnts include factos such as food availability, accessibility and advertising, shaping the way we choose food. SHIFT Design and and the School of International Futures have created a report looking at how we can shape the future of our food environments for everyone’s benefit. Read more.
Food labelling which provides information to consumers helps to encourage positive change in the food system. Current labelling regulations require ingredients and nutrition to be listed, however, a new proposal to the United Nations is pushing for climate change, land use, worker’s rights and more to be included. This new new ‘omni-standard’ builds on previous work from Professor Tim Lang and could be implemented with relative ease using modern supply chain technology. Read more.
Find more food issues-related information from @gavin.wren on TikTok.