Five minutes with… Patti Sloley
04 August 2021
When did you join the Guild, and what benefits did you hope to reap? Have they come true?
Joining in October 2020, encouraged by my friend Katharine Tate, I wanted to be part of a like-minded community, share my experiences and benefit from the experiences of others. The numerous workshops have proved rewarding.
You are a specialist in Ghanaian food, and in particular are known for your passion for plantain. Tell us about that, please.
Plantain has to be one of the vegetable world’s best kept secrets and my work with it has earned me the nickname ‘Plantain Patti’. Incredibly versatile, plantain can be enjoyed at every stage of ripeness. Vegan, gluten-free, highly nutritious, easy to cook, delicious and cheap. What’s not to love? Reactions from school kids especially, and how quickly they gobbled up tasters at my demos tells me plantain is a winner! I was recently approached by to pitch a recipe idea and happy to say you can read it here.
I know you have two books you'd like to talk about.
The Ghanaian culture enjoys bringing people and food together and being passionate and nostalgic for the dishes I grew up with, I felt compelled to share my favourites. At the time, publishers felt it was a niche market so I self-published my first book, A Plate in the Sun. The reaction to my plantain cake in it was amazing and gave me the confidence for a second book, A Date with Plantain. I let my creativity loose in the kitchen and put fusion twists alongside traditional dishes and arrived at 51 different ways with plantain.